Mateo Lizcano sings a selection from “Grenade” by Bruno Mars. Book your next monologue or audition taping session with us at Too book Mateo, please contact: NANI SAPERSTEIN MANAGEMENT Terry Saperstein • David Krasner email: phone: 212-629-4388
Lee Fitzpatrick in selected scenes from Romeo and Juliet as Lady Capulet, The Nurse, and Mercutio.
Patrick toon performs one of Camillo’s monologues from William Shakespeare’s THE WINTER’S TALE.
Patrick Toon performs one of Aragon’s monologues from William Shakespeare’s THE MERCHANT OF VENICE.
Yael Shavitt performs a monologe from “Pterodactyls” by Nicky Silver, filmed at Astoria Video Auditions |
Ed Dixon nominated me to brave the Shakespeare Apple Challenge. I nominate Steve Walters, Carl Howell, and Eloise Mumford. Learn more about the efforts to restore The American Shakespeare Festival Theater in Stratford, CT at #shakepeareapplechallenge